Something I’ve noticed in myself is that I tend to over think, over analyze, and this is not a good thing.
It’s not a good thing because then I don’t get things moving forward how I would like them to. So, instead of continuing that trend of analysis paralysis I’m just going to start.
Start what? Well, blogging more for one. Writing more. Writing more code. And working on self improvement more.
What are some things that you have been holding back on? What part of your life have you not been living? What could use more light and life? Don’t beat yourself up over it, just acknowledge that it happened and accept the challenge to change for the better.
Life is not about perfection but progression. What are you stalled in? Found it? Good, now go get started! I’d love to hear what that is and if this short blog post had any impact in your life.
Cheers to your new activity and good luck!
2 replies on “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good”
Great post, Travis! So much of this resonates with me. I’m actually sitting in my living room on this Friday night working on my own blog. I recently set my goals for the upcoming year and I committed to posting at least ONCE per month. Seems easy enough, right? Yet I find myself sitting here near the end of the month crafting a post I’ve had in draft for more than a week. One of my favorite quotes from Steve Jobs is “Real artists ship.” I need to quit polishing and start shipping! Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your posts!
Wade! Thank you so much, man. Congrats on getting your blog started up, let me know if you need any help or suggestions. I’ve been using WordPress since before it was WordPress. Also, I know a good design company…
Cheers man!