Happy birthday my love. You are such an amazing bride and now such a great mother. I knew already that you were fierce. I love that about you. But being there to witness you deliver our son, Micah, in my eyes you are a warrior. Even through all the unplanned events around his arrival you […]
Category: General
14 years
No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man – Heraclitus 14 years ago today I started working in the software industry. A lot has changed. A lot has stayed the same. Problems still need to be solved, people are still the usual […]
A few tips I’ve picked up on balance and balancing life as a freelancer. I haven’t fully mastered these yet of course, but I’ve found them to be helpful guidelines in my design business. I hope you find this helpful and if you have tips you’d like to share, chime in on the comment section […]
Design Survey Results
Design is now firmly ingrained as a vital component of company building—cross-functionally, at the highest levels, and at the earliest stages. And it’s far more than pretty pixels. The rest of the survey has a lot of things that I’ve been saying for years, feels good to be validated by over 400 companies. They did […]
Something I’ve noticed in myself is that I tend to over think, over analyze, and this is not a good thing. It’s not a good thing because then I don’t get things moving forward how I would like them to. So, instead of continuing that trend of analysis paralysis I’m just going to start. Start […]
11 years ago, I committed a crime
11 years ago, I committed a crime and it is time to come clean On February 15th, 2005 6:45pm under the cover of darkness I snuck into the unlocked garage to find the spare key, it seemed like a good place to hide it I figured. After I had that key, the night would only […]
Cruise Scam
Just got a voice mail from (877) 902-1440. UPDATE: Just got a call from the same morons. Now it is from Seattle, WA at (206) 200-6011. Heads up people. Google says, “It’s a Trap!” Admiral Akbar says, “It’s a Trap!” And my instinct says, “Woo! Free cruise for something I did not enter! Awesome! So, […]
Classes begin
Excited to start a new school year! Expanding the scope of the class from the previous two years to include: Programming Ruby Web Application Development Web Design On top of Graphic Design and Photoshop. Should be fun, but it is a lot to cover in a short amount of time. Dear student or parent of […]
And I’m thirty
How did this happen?
We lack the ethical maturity to match our technological capabilities.