Oh my goodness how time flies!
Not long ago you, our little guy, were just turning one week old, and now we are looking at a totally different boy. You have grown so much and are doing amazing. It’s been incredible to see the changes and experience the transformation happening in our little family. Micah, you love bath-time so much! It’s really cute and funny to watch you go from “mad“ to super-chill in seconds once you get in the tub. But you rarely are mad. You tell us when you are hungry and you really tell us when you need changed.
I have already picked out the tree for your tree-house. We will of course make it doggie accessible because your fur-sisters will insist on being with you, they do every second now. I’m thinking at least two levels, one with a look-out post and one where we can hang hammocks… and a spot for dog beds too. We’re going to have a blast!
Here are a few pictures showing how much you’ve grown, little man.
Here you are at 1 week just chilling
2 weeks wrapped in a blanket your great aunt Lois made for you
3 weeks with your sailboat bow-tie!
And here at 4 weeks you are practicing your dinosaur roar!